Displaying items by tag: how much does knoxville recycle
Thursday, 26 May 2022 13:42
Knoxville is a great city to recycle
Recycling rates are at a high, but challenges remain
This article was provided by city of Knoxville Deputy Communications Director Eric Vreeland.
KNOXVILLE — How do city residents do recycling? Successfully, enthusiastically and smartly, according to two measurements:
— Nearly 55 percent of eligible households are now signed up for curbside recycling, which is an all-time high representing about 33,000 families.
— A Feb. 11, 2022 analysis found that non-recyclable materials make up only 16.8 percent of what goes into Knoxville curbside recycling carts. That’s better than the national average of 25 percent.
Published in
11 Sustainable Cities and Communities