The Environmental Journal of Southern Appalachia
Monday, 23 May 2022 13:17

Updated: Knox County Commission greenlights Dry Hollow housing, with changes

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Opposition still stands against Dry Hollow housing proposal on Knox commish agenda

KNOXVILLE — Compass reported that Knox County Commission voted 8-3 Monday night to approve a new housing development in South Knox County, “despite fierce opposition from surrounding residents.

“Local residents haven’t stopped a development, but they forced some changes,” Compass reported.

“But the conditions imposed by Commission limit the subdivision in the Dry Hollow area to 180 homes on the flattest, most developable part of the property — down from 255 that the Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission had approved.”

Read the entire Compass story here.


The Knox County Commission plans to consider the controversial Dry Hollow rezoning proposal in far South Knox County at 7 p.m. tonight (Monday, May 23)  in the Main Assembly Room of the City-County Building at 400 Main St.

Knox County Commission was originally set to decide Jan. 24 about a controversial South Knox County rezoning that would allow for the construction of 255 homes on previously agricultural land. The decision on both Thunder Mountain Properties LLC requests were twice deferred to a later meeting.

Opponents cite the need to preserve the vanishing farms and natural areas of Knox County and say inadequate civic infrastructure exists in the area.

Hellbender Press has reported extensively on the Dry Hollow suburban housing project planned in a rural area near the border with Sevier County.

If detractors or supporters cannot make it to the meeting they can call and/or write their neighborhood’s representative and the two at-large commissioners, Larsen Jay and Justin Biggs. Contact information is on the Commissioners page.

If you are uncertain about your area’s representative on the County Commission, it’s easy to look up:
— go to KGIS maps
— enter your home address
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— scroll to the bottom of the results column at left to see who’s supposed to represent you on the County Commission
— tapping a name will get you to that commissioner’s personal page.

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Last modified on Monday, 26 September 2022 23:31